Fri,Nov,2021 | News from Spain
On the 3rd, the jury of the Juan Cervera Prize for Research on Performing Arts for Children and Youth met and decided to award the award of its X edition to Cristina Santolaria Solano for her work One million little princesses! (The Madrid scene...
Thu,Sep,2021 | News from Spain
The Segovian festival obtains the award for being "an indisputable benchmark" and for "its capacity for generational renewal". From ASSITEJ we are very happy to recognize a festival that this year celebrated its 35th edition and that had to adapt its...
Mon,Sep,2021 | News from Spain
Start Bold. State Circuit of Performing Arts for School Audiences promoted by the INAEM, and the Te Veo and ASSITEJ associations. The pilot phase of the project begins its activity this September with training in mediation and development of...
Thu,Mar,2021 | News from Spain
We are very grateful to the Academy for granting us this very important recognition of our work. This medal belongs to the entire ASSITEJ Spain community that with its tireless and, often, little-recognized work contributes to improving the situation of ...
Wed,Mar,2021 | Schedule, News from Spain
On March 20, the World Day of the Performing Arts for Children and Young People is celebrated internationally. A day in which globally support the right of all boys and girls to have equal access to art, especially the arts ...
Mon,Jan,2021 | News from Spain
VIII ASSITEJ CYCLE OF DRAMATIC READINGS SAMPLE OF THEATER FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH ASSITEJ Spain celebrates the VIII Cycle of Dramatized Readings, on January 9, 10 and 11. One more year, the theatrical readings return to the Auditorium of Casa del Lector ...
Fri,Dec,2020 | News from Spain
The Minister of Culture and Sports, José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes, accompanied by the general director of the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAEM), Amaya de Miguel, has chaired this Thursday the plenary session of the State Council of Performing Arts and of...
Wed,Dec,2020 | Fairs and Festivals Spain, News from Spain
Yesterday, December 15, the XLIV Madrid Children's and Youth Book Fair began at the Conde Duque cultural center. ASSITEJ Spain, as a member of the General Council of Children's and Youth Books, participated in the inauguration of this new edition. The Book Room ...
Thu,Dec,2020 | News from Spain
The purpose of this Good Practice Guide is to offer cultural institutions, theaters, auditoriums, performing arts and music production and exhibition companies, and artistic companies and groups, a series of basic prevention measures and ...
Tue,Nov,2020 | News from Spain
El lunes 23 de noviembre se falló el XXI Premio ASSITEJ España de Teatro para la Infancia y la Juventud, que ha recaído en el dramaturgo catalán Jordi Palet i Puig, por su texto De azúcar (De sucre). “Una mujer que cada tarde va a buscar a su nieto a la escuela....
Tue,Nov,2020 | Schedule, Associations, News from Spain
El jueves 12 de noviembre participamos en las Jornades d’Arts Escéniques per a la Infància i la Joventut del la Associació Valenciana d’Escriptores i Escriptors Teatrals (AVEET). En las jornadas, tuvimos ocasión de coincidir con la Associació de...
Thu,Oct,2020 | News from Spain
La compañía La Baldufa ha sido galardonada hoy con el Premio Nacional de Artes Escénicas para la Infancia y la Juventud correspondiente a 2020 por su “permanente compromiso tanto con la innovación escénica más transgresora como con la tradición teatral y...
Fri,Sep,2020 | News from Spain
These days the 51st Molina de Segura Theater Festival is held, which safely schedules shows until October 4. ASSITEJ will be next Monday, September 21, participating in the youth theater webinar. Initiatives. We invite you to ...
Tue,Sep,2020 | News from Spain
ASSITEJ se une a la campaña de la Unión de Industrias Culturales #LACULTURADEBECONTINUAR, que reivindica el derecho a la cultura para toda la ciudadanía, y también a unas condiciones dignas de empleo para los y las trabajadoras del sector. La Unión de Asociaciones...
Tue,Sep,2020 | Fairs and Festivals Spain, News from Spain
ASSITEJ España colabora con la tercera edición del Festival Escena Patrimonio, que este año se centra en las mujeres y en la infancia. La tradición marinera marca que cuando un barco se está hundiendo, las mujeres y los niños tienen siempre prioridad para abandonar la...
Tue,Jul,2020 | Schedule, News from Spain
El jueves 23 de julio celebramos, junto a TTP (Associació de Teatre per a Tots els Públics), Asociación TeVeo, UNIMA España, AAT (Asociación de Autoras y Autores de Teatro) y Escuela Navarra de Teatro, el Encuentro de Dramaturgia entre las autoras Maribel Carrasco e...
Thu,Jun,2020 | News from Spain
Aplazadas las II Jornadas de Dramaturgia para la Infancia y la Juventud a julio de 2021, continuamos apostando por el encuentro artístico que nos permita seguir debatiendo en torno a la situación actual de la dramaturgia para jóvenes públicos. Nos reuniremos el...
Fri, Jun, 2020 | News from Spain
INAEM has just published the GUIDE TO GOOD PRACTICES FOR THE RESTART OF STAGE AND MUSICAL ACTIVITY IN SPAIN, written with the collaboration of 14 state-level associations for the performing and musical arts. The purpose of this Good Practice Guide is ...
Sat,Apr,2020 | News from Spain
ASSITEJ Spain is working, in coordination, with other cultural entities and directly with the Public Administrations, in the drafting and communication of various support measures for the sector. Here you can find a compilation of the measurements ...
Thu,Apr,2020 | News from Spain
Dear friends, dear friends: Given the lack of determination shown by the Minister of Culture in his public interventions regarding the extraordinary urgent measures that must be taken to preserve the various cultural manifestations of our ...