VIII ASSITEJ CYCLE OF DRAMATIC READINGS SAMPLE OF THEATER FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH ASSITEJ Spain celebrates the VIII Cycle of Dramatized Readings, on January 9, 10 and 11. One more year, the theatrical readings return to the Auditorium of Casa del Lector ...
Plenary of the State Council of the AA. USA and Music

Plenary of the State Council of the AA. USA and Music

The Minister of Culture and Sports, José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes, accompanied by the general director of the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music (INAEM), Amaya de Miguel, has chaired this Thursday the plenary session of the State Council of Performing Arts and of...
Apoyamos la campaña #laculturadebecontinuar

Apoyamos la campaña #laculturadebecontinuar

ASSITEJ se une a la campaña de la Unión de Industrias Culturales #LACULTURADEBECONTINUAR, que reivindica el derecho a la cultura para toda la ciudadanía, y también a unas condiciones dignas de empleo para los y las trabajadoras del sector. La Unión de Asociaciones...
Support measures for the sector

Support measures for the sector

ASSITEJ Spain is working, in coordination, with other cultural entities and directly with the Public Administrations, in the drafting and communication of various support measures for the sector. Here you can find a compilation of the measurements ...
ASSITEJ Spain statement

ASSITEJ Spain statement

Dear friends, dear friends: Given the lack of determination shown by the Minister of Culture in his public interventions regarding the extraordinary urgent measures that must be taken to preserve the various cultural manifestations of our ...

Formaras parte de la mayor red internacional de artes escénicas para la infancia y la juventud, presente en más de 75 países de todo el mundo, y estarás colaborando en la defensa y desarrollo de os derechos de acceso al arte de niños, niñas y jóvenes.

Además, recibirás nuestras publicaciones, tendrás descuentos, recibirás convocatorias exclusivas y muchas más ventajas